Affiliate Spanking FIT. While you enjoy your encounters with London Knights’ masseurs, be sure to check out my affiliate website Spanking FIT. Spanking FIT is a spanking new approach to staying informed about personal fitness and health, based on REAL Science. It will come as no surprise to the reader that false claims and exaggerations regarding fitness and health abound in media. What may surprise you, however, is one common source of them: so-called peer-reviewed papers that are published in well regarded scientific journals! The authors of this research, no matter how well intentioned, often disregard important requirements regarding the nature of the data they use in making their “discoveries” and in publishing their “findings”. For this reason, you cannot rely on a medical or health-related claim simply because it has been published in a journal. This is a common mistake made by many popular websites. Yes, even by fine quality publishers like New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/). With your assistance, I plan to detect those cases, and introduce the necessary note of caution. There’s also an abundance of medical opinion and claims by credentialed persons that are based on anecdotal evidence only. Statements to the effect of: “in my twenty five years of clinical practice I have never seen a case of such and such, etc.” can be equally damaging and misleading for the public. I plan to detect and warn about those as well.
As serious as the subjects of fitness and health are, that doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun along the way. Most of you can attest to the fact that maintaining fitness and health is one of life’s most enjoyable experiences. Our minds, bodies, and sexuality are interconnected in an amazing way, and it is vital that we keep them in balance to stay healthy and alive. All too often, members of the academic community focus narrowly on mental development at the expense of physical fitness. That habit may eventually lead to diminished mental ability, due to this mind-body connection. One final opening note regarding the subject of bio-individuality. Another common mistake on the part of some health practitioners, in my opinion, is to overlook the important fact that each of us is an individual. You’ll agree that there are obvious differences in the way that we look on the outside; but, these differences are even more pronounced on the inside. “No two livers look exactly alike” was a statement once made by a prominent surgeon that I knew. At Spanking FIT we make a vow never to make a false generalization when it comes to our fitness or our health. Vive la difference & enjoy my websites including, “London Knights” affiliate “SpankingFIT” and https://londonknightsmassage.co.uk/jockstrap-spanking/. Cheers!
Dr. Garrett
It was out of growing concern about false claims and exaggerations that abound in media that in 2014 I, Dr. Garrett, launched my site Spanking FIT! (https://www.spankingfit.com/). I introduced it as a “spanking new” approach to health, medicine, fitness, and sexual topics based on REAL Science. As already explained above, a common source of false claims in health-related fields are peer-reviewed papers published in well-regarded scientific journals. Their authors, while well trained in medicine, often have little or no education in the Science of Statistical Inference, also. Understandably, the media journalists who report on them do not possess the skills to critically evaluate them. My stated objective was a thorough investigation into all popular claims using my own uniquely perfected statistical expertise. It is my belief that with reader input, I have been able so far to take a modest step forward toward achieving my goal. What major topics did Spanking FIT cover in 2016? They are best summarized as (1) natural health restoration and performance enhancement using human bodily acid supplementation (H.B.A.S) (2) natural illness prevention (3) natural pain alleviation, and (4) healthful recreation and nudity. Here’s a summary of major recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT:
Natural health restoration and performance enhancement using human bodily acid supplementation (H.B.A.S)
In 2016, Spanking FIT rigorously evaluated published efficacy research pertaining to four important natural bodily acid supplements: alpha lipoic acid, L-carnitine, L-citrulline, and taurine. Natural supplementation therapy, if effective, obviously may provide a much safer alternative to conventional pharmaceutical therapy. We present below a summary of findings in tabular form. Column 1 of each table names the natural acid supplement. Column 2 summarizes the most common health/ medical claims made about it by so-called medical “authorities”. Column 3 presents a summary of published research “findings” based on clinical trial outcomes. Note my use of quotation marks around the word findings. This is due to the fact that much published medical research suffers from common weaknesses and flaws, especially in the field of statistical data analysis. These flaws, in most cases, do not completely undermine published claims, in my opinion. Rather they call attention to the need for additional experimental work and improved statistical design and analysis in order to validate them. Let’s get started:
Natural Bodily Acid | Commonly claimed supplementation benefits | Claims made in published clinical trial outcomes | Uncovered weaknesses & flaws in published works |
Alpha lipoic (A.L.)/ thioctic acid | 1) AL is an anti-oxidant which limits damage to body cells caused by free radicals. | (a) Supplementation with AL lowers creatine kinase (C.K.) content of muscles following aerobic/ anaerobic exercise (C.K. is a marker for muscle damage.) | (a) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. |
(b) Supplementation with A.L. reduces oxidative stress to the muscles of athletes. | (b) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | ||
(2) A.L plays important role in energy metabolism | (a) Supplementation with A.L. enhances exercise work performance(athletes performed isometric/ isokinetic exercise of their quadricep muscles) | (a) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | |
(b) Increases PGC-1 alpha protein activation in mice (said protein induces cells to synthesize mitochondria) | (b) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests, extremely high doses used (human equiv. of 40 gms. per day) | ||
(c) Yields higher relative percentage of lean mass to total mass in mice. | (c) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests, extremely high doses used (human equiv. of 40 gms. per day) | ||
(d) Elevates E.P.O. levels in young athletes. | (d) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | ||
(e) Yields weight reduction | (e) Potential conflict of interest on the part of researchers(work sponsored by Dalim BioTech, manufacturer of A.L.) | ||
(f) lowers food consumption in mice (Nature Medicine publication) | (f) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests |